Who can consult?

PCOS affect 1 in 10 women. It can be reversed with holistic approach focusing on Nutrition and Lifestyle changes. Symptoms – Irregular and Prolonged periods, facial hair, hair loss and acne.

PCOS or PCOD Nutrition ( Mitha Aahara- Eat to Live)!

When discussing PCOS treatment, it is essential first to introduce Sreemathy Venkatraman, whose aim is to connect with the maximum people possible to cultivate a proactive, responsible attitude toward our health and well-being through a balanced lifestyle with her online nutrition consultancy. Sreemathy Venkatraman is among the best nutritionists in Bangalore, with more than 20 years of experience and expertise in dietary assistance counseling for PCOS/PCOD, hormonal imbalances, and infertility.

What is PCOD?

Although PCOS and PCOD are frequently used interchangeably, they are different. PCOS is a more severe form of metabolic syndrome or endocrinology problem. When a person has PCOS, their ovaries produce more androgen than usual, interfering with the eggs’ regular activity and preventing them from developing and releasing.

PCOD is a hormonal issue brought on by hormonal imbalance; it is typically viewed as a transient condition that can be resolved with the proper diet and exercise regimen.

Although there is no definitive treatment for PCOD or PCOS, the symptoms can be controlled with a controlled diet and exercise routine. With medical assistance and support, PCOD sufferers can conceive despite less serious fertility issues. For instance, women with PCOS battle with infertility more intensely and for extended periods, increasing their risk of miscarriage. 

Identifying the disease at the earliest is crucial to prevent long-term damage in both PCODs. A healthy diet that excludes processed and junk food, regular exercise, and the right lifestyle changes and medication to support them all significantly improve symptoms, according to the online nutritionist of Mitha Aahara.

Condition We Provide Help For:

Diagnosis of PCOD:

A thorough history and physical examination are necessary for diagnosing PCOD, and the following factors are typically thought to diagnose PCOD.

1. Abnormalities of the menstrual cycle, such as anovulation, oligo-ovulation, amenorrhea, or irregular bleeding.

2. Common signs of hyperandrogenism include acne, hirsutism, male pattern baldness, elevated serum levels of total or free testosterone, and elevated serum levels.

3. When persistent oligomenorrhea and clinical or biochemical indications of hyperandrogenism are present in adolescents, PCOD/PCOS is diagnosed.

4. Postmenopausal women with a lengthy history of oligomenorrhea and hyperandrogenism are diagnosed with PCOD/PCOS.

Holistic Approach for PCOS/ PCOD by Online Nutritionist Sreemathy Venkatraman:

Best Online Nutritionist:

Sreemathy Venkatraman is among the best online nutritionists with more than 20 years of experience and expertise in dietary counseling for PCOS/PCOD, hormonal imbalances, and infertility. She is the founder of Mitha Aahara- Eat to live, an online nutrition consultancy platform where you can connect with a team of qualified nutritionists.

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{{extras_details.bookingpress_extra_price}} {{extras_details.bookingpress_extra_duration}}
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Questions About Our Nutrition Consultancy Services?

Click on the link below and book an online appointment.


This is a pre-consultation appointment where the 30-minute session is for discussing your health issues, medical history and the health goals you are looking for. Please note that no refund or diet sheet will be given in the pre consult, this is a session to understand our program and to see if this is the right fit for you.

In the pre consultation appointment, your current symptoms, problems and the solutions you are looking for will be discussed. The duration of the program and how we monitor will also be explained.

If your blood tests are less than 6 months old, we do not ask you to repeat it. Please note that some tests will be prescribed based on your condition only if necessary and you can get it done in any NABL accredited lab near you.

Only if there is a need for it, it is advised. We believe in “Healing with food” and a personalized nutritional therapy is the mantra to find solutions for your health issues.

Once a pre consultation is done, if this is the right program and you reach out to us, a google form is shared with you, which you should fill to start the program after the payment.

Points to Note:

  • We believe in “Healing with Food” and all nutrition plans are personalized based on your food habits and work routine.
  • If you are looking for nutritional therapy for a health issue, or a prevention plan or for a healthy body and mind, this is the Right place for you.
  • We tailor our plans and monitor periodically and the health goals are set on the initial consultation
  • You can share doctors’ notes, diagnostic tests and anything else you wish to share with respect to your health objectives