Mental Health

Mental Health

Food and Mood!

We recognize very well that diet is important for maintaining physical health. But are you aware of its advantages for our mental and emotional well-being?

According to Ms. Sreemathy Venkatraman, a leading nutritionist in Bangalore and the founder of Mitha Aahara, an online nutrition platform, “What we put in our body also impacts our mental health.” “Good health is a state of complete well-being.”

That refers to the harmony between the body and the mind. When defining your health journey, both are crucial.

We’ll look more closely at how food affects our mood, the importance of gut health, and how a nutritionist may help.

What is the Connection between Food and Mood?

Eating a balanced, nutrient-rich diet can help you feel better, have more energy, and think more clearly. There are numerous factors at work here, ranging from the number of carbs you consume to how vitamin and mineral deficits affect mental health.

The intimate connection between your brain and gastrointestinal tract, frequently referred to as the “second brain,” causes the link between diet and emotions.

This is how it goes:

Millions of bacteria reside in your GI tract, which affects the creation of the chemicals that constantly send signals from the gut to the brain. Dopamine and serotonin are two instances of this.

Consuming nutrient-dense foods encourages the development of “good” bacteria, which in turn benefits the production of these compounds.

Your brain hears these encouraging messages loud and clear when production is at its peak, and your mood may change. Conversely, your mood could also suffer if production is off.

To be more precise, sugar is thought to be a primary cause of inflammation. It fuels the GI tract with “bad” bacteria. Ironically, it may also result in a temporary increase in “feel good” substances like dopamine.

According to the best nutritionist in Bangalore, Sreemathy Venkatraman, “You don’t want that either.” These increases cause a quick sugar high followed by a severe drop.

You’re putting yourself in a position to experience fewer mood swings and better concentration when you maintain a diet high in nutrients.

Studies have even shown that clean diets, which mainly consist of whole, unprocessed foods, can reduce symptoms of anxiety and sadness. In contrast, a poor diet has been connected to a higher risk of dementia or stroke.

What is Brain Food?

Nutrition is essential for creating new proteins, cells, and tissues in your brain and nervous system. Your body needs a variety of carbohydrates, proteins, and minerals to function correctly. Instead of eating the same meals daily, dietitians advise eating meals and snacks that include diverse foods to acquire all the nutrients that enhance mental efficiency.

The top three foods to include in a balanced diet for the mind are as follows:

How does Mitha Aahara help you with Nutrition & Mental Health?

According to the best nutritionist in Bangalore, a holistic approach is necessary for mental wellness. The nutrients your brain and intestines require can be found in a healthy diet, supporting various treatments and methods you use to manage your mental health.

It can be helpful to seek professional assistance from a leading nutritionist to ensure you get the proper foods for your specific circumstances. They will be able to listen to your needs, consider your unique requirements, and create a diet plan that works for you.


Corporate Nutrition:

Mitha Aahara encourages corporate health organizations to improve workplace nutrition. Our products and services support staff in making and maintaining dietary decisions to enhance their general health and well-being.

These lifestyle choices have advantages such as better immune systems, healthier people, and a happier workplace.

Why Choose Us?

Mitha Aahara clients in the food and mood program have successfully improved their mental health symptoms, including anxiety and depression, along with their other medical treatments.

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Questions About Our Nutrition Consultancy Services?

Click on the link below and book an online appointment.


This is a pre-consultation appointment where the 30-minute session is for discussing your health issues, medical history and the health goals you are looking for. Please note that no refund or diet sheet will be given in the pre consult, this is a session to understand our program and to see if this is the right fit for you.

In the pre consultation appointment, your current symptoms, problems and the solutions you are looking for will be discussed. The duration of the program and how we monitor will also be explained.

If your blood tests are less than 6 months old, we do not ask you to repeat it. Please note that some tests will be prescribed based on your condition only if necessary and you can get it done in any NABL accredited lab near you.

Only if there is a need for it, it is advised. We believe in “Healing with food” and a personalized nutritional therapy is the mantra to find solutions for your health issues.

Once a pre consultation is done, if this is the right program and you reach out to us, a google form is shared with you, which you should fill to start the program after the payment.

Points to Note:

  • We believe in “Healing with Food” and all nutrition plans are personalized based on your food habits and work routine.
  • If you are looking for nutritional therapy for a health issue, or a prevention plan or for a healthy body and mind, this is the Right place for you.
  • We tailor our plans and monitor periodically and the health goals are set on the initial consultation
  • You can share doctors’ notes, diagnostic tests and anything else you wish to share with respect to your health objectives