Corporate Nutrition – bk

Corporate Nutrition – bk

Who can consult?

Since the majority of workers spend 7-8 hours a day at their computers, it is quite challenging for them to use traditional cooking techniques and food options.
The typical food or snacks available in almost all office cafeterias are high in salt, sugar, and Trans fats. This can result in a wide range of chronic diseases and lifestyle illnesses.

A well-balanced diet can significantly increase workplace productivity while eating unhealthy meals has repeatedly been shown to contribute to poor health and decreased job performance.

Ms. Sreemathy Venkatraman, the founder of Mitha Aahara, an online nutrition platform and a leading nutritionist in Bangalore, says that poor nutrition is closely related to absenteeism, sickness, bad morale, and an increased incidence of workplace accidents.

It has also been demonstrated that poor nutrition can reduce employee productivity by 20%.

It is crucial to teach employees the fundamentals of healthy eating. An excellent method to promote health and instill clean and mindful eating habits is through our Corporate Nutrition Workshops and Offerings.

Mitha Aahara team can assist corporate health organizations in various ways to improve workplace nutrition. Our products and services support staff in making and maintaining dietary decisions to enhance their general health and well-being.

These lifestyle choices have advantages such as better immune systems, healthier people, and a happier workplace. They may also raise productivity and energy levels.

Additionally, by providing these services, businesses can gain the loyalty and engagement of staff members who value the individualized attention and support that comes from their workplaces, according to the best nutritionist in Bangalore.

Encourage the Physical and Mental well-being of your Employees with the Best Nutritionist in Bangalore:

We at Mitha Aahara provide a variety of services for corporate nutrition. We have something for you, whether you’re a big business, a small firm, or any other kind of team or organization.

Our highly skilled staff of Accredited Practicing Dietitians and nutrition experts has the expertise to provide a variety of corporate services that are tailored to the requirements of your organization or group.

Our Corporate Nutrition Packages Include the following:

  1. Workshops & Seminars: We provide a variety of entertaining, engaging, and informative nutrition presentations and seminars that cover valuable tips for eating healthily.

    Some of our presentation topics cover the following:

    • Food/Nutrition on a Plate
    • Whole Foods Diet
    • How To Eat Healthy While Running Busy
    • Healthy Snacking and many more

    Work/life balance is brought up in the workshops. They are educational, amusing, enjoyable, and participative.

  2. Nutritional counseling for Individual Clients: Each employee is provided with a 20 or 30-minute nutrition consultation. This typically occurs once a month over five days with five hours per day.
    Based on their medical, nutrition, diet, social, cultural, and financial histories, each employee will receive a thorough nutritional assessment and recommendations supported by the available research.
  3. Employee Meal Programs: A healthy meal plan is constructed (1 – 6 week alternatives) to provide to your staff, including detailed daily options for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks, recipes, ingredient lists, and a master grocery list.
  4. Workplace Wellness Strategy: We analyze the environmental, cultural, and individual variables of your business that impact health to identify the state of your corporate health.

Mitha Ahara also provides Corporate Nutrition for Issues like:

Why Choose Mitha Aahara for Corporate Nutrition Services?

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{{ appointment_step_form_data.selected_service_name}}
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{{extras_details.bookingpress_extra_price}} {{extras_details.bookingpress_extra_duration}}
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Date & Time
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{{ appointment_step_form_data.selected_date | bookingpress_format_date }} - {{appointment_step_form_data.selected_end_date | bookingpress_format_date}}
Appointment Details
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Questions About Our Nutrition Consultancy Services?

Click on the link below and book an online appointment.


This is a pre-consultation appointment where the 30-minute session is for discussing your health issues, medical history and the health goals you are looking for. Please note that no refund or diet sheet will be given in the pre consult, this is a session to understand our program and to see if this is the right fit for you.

In the pre consultation appointment, your current symptoms, problems and the solutions you are looking for will be discussed. The duration of the program and how we monitor will also be explained.

If your blood tests are less than 6 months old, we do not ask you to repeat it. Please note that some tests will be prescribed based on your condition only if necessary and you can get it done in any NABL accredited lab near you.

Only if there is a need for it, it is advised. We believe in “Healing with food” and a personalized nutritional therapy is the mantra to find solutions for your health issues.

Once a pre consultation is done, if this is the right program and you reach out to us, a google form is shared with you, which you should fill to start the program after the payment.

Points to Note:

  • We believe in “Healing with Food” and all nutrition plans are personalized based on your food habits and work routine.
  • If you are looking for nutritional therapy for a health issue, or a prevention plan or for a healthy body and mind, this is the Right place for you.
  • We tailor our plans and monitor periodically and the health goals are set on the initial consultation
  • You can share doctors’ notes, diagnostic tests and anything else you wish to share with respect to your health objectives